Greek OXI Day Parade

The Greek Canadian Community commemorates Greek OXI Day with a festive parade in Toronto’s historic Greektown

on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 1:30pm

The parade features Greek Schools, dance groups in ethnic costumes, Associations, and Orthodox Clergy from the Greater Toronto area.

The parade route proceeds from the corner of Danforth Ave and Donlands Ave up to Danforth Ave and Broadview Ave.

All groups who would like to participate in our parade must complete the form below.

Mandatory Participation Fee:

Federations and Associations with more than 100 members: $500

All other associations with active GCT membership: $200

All other participants: $300

For more information call the Parade Committee at 416-425-2485, or email us at

CLICK HERE for the Registration Form

Parade Rules and Regulations

The Greek Community of Toronto appreciates your participation in the Parade and your cooperation in making it a successful community event.

All participants must check in by 12:30p.m. The parade will begin promptly at 1:30p.m.

The parade committee reserves the right to refuse to allow latecomers to march.

Overarching Regulations:

  • Safety is “Priority One” for the Parade.
  • All groups are required to follow all Directions of Parade Marshals, Traffic Control Volunteers, GCT’s Organizers and Police.
  • At all times, viewers must remain in the designated viewing areas to ensure the safety of participants and viewers, and the smooth flow of the parade.
  • Appropriate behaviour, in accordance with Municipal laws and regulations, is expected by all participants and viewers during the parade.
  • The Greek Community of Toronto and the Parade Committee have the right to decline a parade entry or adjust other matters regarding the Parade for any reason at any time at its sole discretion.

Items distributed during the parade:

  • NO ITEMS MAY BE THROWN DURING THE PARADE. Throwing items will cause suspension of the unit/group from future parades.
  • Any items that will be passed out or distributed on the parade route must be approved by the Parade Committee.
  • No ADVERTISING/logos /business promotional items are to be handed out on the parade route unless they are a Sponsor of the parade, and the items are approved by the Parade Committee by October 21, 2024.


  • All units must accept and comply with the line up assigned by the GCT Parade Committee.
  • Please keep your group less than 20 meters behind the group which is always ahead of you during the parade route.
  • Groups must complete the entire parade route and finish where the parade ends.
  • One float per group unless approved by the Parade Committee. Additional participation fees may apply for more than one vehicle/float.
  • Each unit is allowed up to one (1) optional sign on the side of its float on which its sponsors could be listed.
  • Participants on the float or marching around the float are prohibited from holding or demonstrating any business signage or advertisements. If any unit is observed displaying signage or advertisements more than what is described above, unit’s participation will be considered commercial and will be billed accordingly.
  • Unpaid parade participation fees will prevent any future parade participation.
  • Participants must clean up any mess or debris left by their unit.
  • Due to safety and insurance reasons, animals are not allowed in the Parade without prior approval by the Parade Committee by October 21, 2024.
  • Due to safety and insurance regulations the use of bikes, scooters, motorized scooters, hover boards are strictly prohibited.

Waivers and Releases

  • Entry and advertising release: In consideration of acceptance of your entry in the Parade, the entrant agrees to permit the GCT to use their names and/or photographs, films or tapes of the units for publicity, advertising and commercial promotion, before, during and after the event, and gives permission to publish or otherwise dispose of said photographs, film or tapes.
  • Liability release: All parade entries are required to have an authorised representative sign the liability waiver on their Parade application. The authorised representative signing for each unit takes full responsibility for their unit in the parade. The authorised representative also agrees that his/her group fully understands and agrees to adhere to these Rules and Regulations. Marshals and or Parade Traffic Control will check for and ask to speak with the representative during set up.

No political promotion in the parade

  • The GCT is a non-profit and does not endorse any political candidate or party or political issue.
  • Elected officials are welcomed to march in the parade to represent the office that they hold. Candidates can participate in the parade but cannot be the focus (in part or in whole) of any unit. Under no circumstances can any political information about any candidate or political issue be handed out or promoted/displayed as part of any unit.

Failure to adhere to these Rules and Regulations could mean unit ejection form the parade without refund and/or failure for group to participate in future parades.


• The parade will proceed, rain or shine. (Or snow.)


• You must find your own parking.

Check-In & Line-Up

• The parade will line up on the Corner of Euston Ave and Chatham Ave. Consult the marching list for your group’s place in the parade procession and check in at the check-in point for your clarification if needed. Look for your group’s leader.

Please line up neatly. Follow the directions of the marshals, who will be wearing yellow jackets, and your group leader. Floats and other vehicles will be in a separate line. Do not line up with your group’s float or vehicle unless you are riding on the float/in the vehicle.


• The parade route is about 1.5km

Please continue past the reviewing stage on Danforth Ave and Chester Ave and do not stop on the street or block the route. The parade distance is 1.5km


• Authentic Greek costumes are encouraged if available. Some groups may order custom t-shirts, sweatshirts, or jackets. If costumes or uniforms are not available, we recommend a dark coat and tie for men and corresponding women’s attire. For children, we recommend a light sweater/shirt with navy or black pants or skirt. Blue jeans are highly discouraged. The most important thing is that your group looks neat and uniform. Proper and respectful attire is required for participants in the parade.


• Alcohol, smoking, and throwing objects to the crowd are prohibited while marching. Pets/animals are also prohibited without advance permission.


• All groups wishing to include cars, floats, or other vehicles in their unit must notify the parade committee in advance, or the vehicle will not be allowed in the parade. All vehicles must be decorated. Float themes must be approved in advance. Vehicles must line up by 1:00p.m., before marchers arrive.

Emergency Police and an ambulance will be on standby. Contact a parade marshal in a yellow vest.

More info Contact the parade committee at

Thank you for your cooperation!

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