Charitable work by the Ladies Auxiliary Pronia
Since its founding in January 2015, the Ladies of "PRONIA" have been extremely active in successfully serving the daily needs of the four GCT Churches, contributing substantially to helping people in need and organizing events.
In detail, "PRONIA" since its inception has successfully undertaken and carried out the following:
It serves the church, organizations and associations with memorials, and blessings.
Offers help the needy (in food, checks, food coupons).
Participates actively in Community cultural programs: Parades, Summer Festival, Taste of the Danforth and more.
Participates in charity events of other organizations such as Old Age Home, Hellenic Hope, St John's Mission, Great Athanasios Brotherhood and local hospitals.
Visits patients to hospitals such as Sick kids Hospital, East General Hospital, etc.
Organizes charity events for patients in Greece and Canada.
Offers scholarships to students from families with disabilities in Greek Community Schools
Funds the new Greek education program "paideia".- Covers travel expenses to our fellow travelers in case of expedited return to Greece.
Offers free medicines to patients who do not have medical coverage.
Assist actively in catechism events.
Organizes major events such as the annual fundraising events.